miércoles, 22 de febrero de 2012

God save L.A.-About Kent Williams and Natalia Fabia.

God save L.A.-About Kent Williams and Natalia Fabia.

Why everybody talks about New York having a beautiful city called Los Angeles? I don’t really know the answer but there is one thing for sure, there are some artists in L.A that touch my soul.

Let’s name a couple of them:

Kent Williams: I discovered his work 6 years ago in an article of Playboy Magazine, this was an image that inspire me in several photographs, then I saw his Website, in this place I start to watch his canvas, oleos and textures, all beauty, with hard themes and a lot of cultural mix, reds, yellows and of course pinks.

KW work is a rollercoaster of Cultures, here we can find Japanese beautiful people, Latin Americans, and blond Americans, this mix is a poem of diversity in maximum art expression.

In his painting "1962", we have a paradise of details, a little red horse in the corner, in the other corner some sumo fighters, and at the center a man got eaten by a Tiger or maybe a man getting embraced by the tiger force, and of course our key: a Beautiful Japanese getting dress after making love with the subject.

In becoming Siena, a little kid in PJ´s watch us getting in to the highs of an unknown universe, he watch us like saying bye bye little fellas, the big monkeys beside her watch us like if they were defending her karma trip.

Getting in touch with the other artist that bring us here, I should end with this enormous Artist: her name is Natalia Fabia, her subjects are a marvelous mix of Manga, Hard Core groupies and Top Models.

Fabia´s Work is a rare kind of hyperrealism with a big punch of powerful colors; I can tell just looking at her images that she lives a high energy life trip.

She is a painter resurrection of the beat generation, I am sure that Kerouac sends his powerful blessings to this genius of canvas and oil.

In her work Palace Amusements Jump- oil on panel-36 x 48 inches (91.44 x 121.92 cm) the water hypnotize us, with the shave and the blue colors, then the red arrive and take us to the intense sensation of the unknown.

Hooker Yoga in Alphabet City- oil on canvas-30 x 40 inches (76.2 x 101.6 cm) is a metaphor of the daily life in any big city, Fabia paint her subject face making a resurrection of the Klimt princess, the wall is one of the brilliant things in this oeuvre, making a clear reference to the graffiti’s murals we have in the big cities, with the mix of cartels, scratches and junk advises, that urban expressions have the result of a beautiful backgrounds for our princess.

"Gate of Girl of Yoga" 48" x 72" I’m pretty sure this painting is going to be a classic of all times, the girls ready to attack between the bars is a metaphor of monotony and traditions, I only saw before the sensuality of these girls in lingerie in one of the Oriol Maspolls pictures in his book The Private Collection.

Color, contrast realism, phantasy, light, erothism is what we get of this two magnificent artists, thanks to that I have to say: God Save L.A.
Raúl Gasque
México City
February 2012

Paintings in the article:

Natalia Fabia: Hooker Yoga in Alphabet City-oil on canvas-30 x 40 inches (76.2 x 101.6 cm)

Kent Williams: Becoming Sienna.



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